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Open Energy Modelling Framework - An extension for all database related things

See the documentation for more information!


pip install oemof.db

You can also install the in-development version with:

pip install https://github.com/oemof/oemof.db/archive/master.zip

Unfortunately installing the PyPi package doesn’t work until #28 is fixed. Instead, you have to install via:

pip install -e git://github.com/oemof/oemof.db.git@master#egg=oemof.db

Note that you have to have git installed for this to work.

If you want to have the developer version clone the repository by

git clone git@github.com:oemof/oemof.db.git

and you can install it using pip3 with the -e flag.

sudo pip3 install -e <path/to/the/oemof.db/repository/root/directory>

Keep virtualenvs in mind!

Configuration and usage

As the purpose of this package is to facilitate usage of the oemof database, it needs to know how to connect to this database. Being part of oemof, as fallback oemof.db always looks for this configuration in the file config.ini in a directory called .oemof in your home directory.

A particular config-file can either specified and accessed via

from oemof.db import cfg

# only load config file

# access config parameters
cfg.get(<section>, <parameter>)

If you’re interested in establishing a database connection and specify config file connection parameters are stored in use

from oemof.db import cfg

# establish database connection with specified section and config_file
db.connection(section=<section>, config_file=<you-config-file>)

To configure database access this file has to have at least one dedicated section containing the necessary options, like this:

username = username under which to connect to the database
database = name of the database from which to read
host     = host to connect to
port     = port to connect to
pw       = password used to connect with the given username (OPTIONAL)

The section is assumed to be named postGIS by default, but you can name it differently and have multiple sections for different databases if the need arises.

The password is optional. If you don’t want to store the password in the config.ini, you may store it using the keyring package, which is a dependency of oemof.db, like this:

>>> import keyring
>>> keyring.set_password("database", "username")

where "database" and "username" have the same values as the corresponding options in config.ini.


To run the all tests run:


Note, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:

set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append
PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox